Card Activation

Your Guide to Credit Card Activation

Tag: Paypal Activate MasterCard

Paypal Activate MasterCard Procedures

When it comes to digital cash, one of the best accounts that you can have is a PayPal account. Not only can you request cash from others, receive cash directly through your email, and manage your account online, business customers have the ability to treat their PayPal account as a debit account.

When the debit account has been activated, the account holder will receive a MasterCard that can be used wherever the MasterCard logo is seen. They will also have ATM access to their cash.

To get started, you will need to follow these PayPal activate MasterCard procedures. This will allow you to use your new debit card and start earning 1% cash back on every PIN purchase you make.

Step #1: Log into your PayPal account.

Your new PayPal debit MasterCard will have a large white sticker on it that will send you to the website. In order to access this website, you will need to log into your PayPal account. Once you have done this, you will be taken to the My Account overview.

Step #2: Click on the appropriate link.

You will be able to access the activation page or your new PayPal debit MasterCard and a couple of places. The primary place to go is through the quick links that can be found on the right-hand side of the account summary page. Click on the link that says PayPal Debit Card. You will be taken to the PayPal Business Debit MasterCard summary page. On this page, you will be able to see every debit card that you have authorized to be created on your digital account.

If you cannot find the debit card link on the right-hand side of the page, still be able to access the activation process under the heading called “Next Steps.” This is located right above your current account balance on the account summary home screen. Click on the link and you will be taken to the PayPal Business Debit MasterCard summary page.

Step #3: Click on the activation button.

The primary account holder for the PayPal debit MasterCard will always have their card on the top. Any other secondary cards that have been authorized will be issued below it in the order that they were created. You will be able to see the name of the authorized party, the last four digits of the debit card, when the card expires, and what the daily spending and ATM limits happen to be. Below all of this information will be a button that says “Activate Now.” Click it and you will activate your PayPal MasterCard.

Step #4: Create backup settings.

It is important to make sure that there are backup payment settings associated with your new PayPal debit card. As part of the PayPal activate MasterCard procedures, you will want to associate a bank account, a credit card, or some other form of backup payment in case you run out of money in PayPal.

If you run a digital business, then having a PayPal card and make buying and selling a simple process. Use these PayPal activate MasterCard procedures to make sure that you can always have access to cash.

Card Activation Tags:

  • paypal com/activatecard
  • www paypal com/activatecard
  • paypal com activate card